This is a new website I’ve been working on for the past year or so in Near FM. And we launched it just last night.
Near Archive is a digital audio database of interviews, which were originally broadcast on Near FM’sflagship community affairs programme Northside Today between the years 2011 and 2016.
The content reflects upon the themes of Irish Culture, Life and Experience with a particular emphasis on local arts and culture, local news, history, heritage and community events. There are currently over 1000 interviews in the database.
Near Archive has been assembled with the input of expert partners including the Digital Repository of Ireland and Dublin City Council Library and Archive. In addition a cross-sectoral approach to archiving has been established through CRAOL, the national body for community radio.
Near Archive can be accessed by visiting www.archive.ie where content can be streamed or downloaded and runs on a Creative Commons license.
Partners and Funders
Near FM www.near.ie
CRAOL (Community Radio Ireland) www.craol.ie
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland www.bai.ie
Digital Repository of Ireland www.dri.ie
Dublin City Library & Archive www.dublincity.ie
CDETB www.cityofdublin.etb.ie
INTREO www.welfare.ie/intreo