I’m currently working with the Near Drama Group on producing a radio drama that will be performed live on air. This will be the first time we’ve attempted something like this and a lot of work is going into the rehearsals at the moment.
The play is called ‘A Woman, a Dog & a Walnut Tree’ and is by Denis Byrne, we’ve previously produced a number of his plays. The play deals with the topic of domestic violence against women. We’ll be also running a discussion panel immediately after the live broadcast to discuss the issues raised in the play.
The broadcast date is expected to be some time around mid-October. I’ll be sure to post more updates as we work on it
Meanwhile you can listen to ‘Poodles’ by Denis Byrne. This play explores the haphazard effort of young drug addict aided by his hapless girlfriend from well-to-do families to rob a small cafe to get money to feed their habit. The play breaks through the veneer of respectability and what goes on in these families. However, the cafe owner, whose own nephew died from drugs, saves the day by forcing the young man to fight his demons, re-discover his artistic abilities and start on the road to recovery.